Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why Can't Life be Like the Movies?

Why can't my life be like a romantic comedy where in the end everything works out like it's suppose to. You end up with the right guy and everything seems perfect. You never know how life is afterwards but you believe in your heart that it all works out perfectly. That their lives are going to be great now since the two people that were meant to be are together and always will be.

Life seems to only be like this in my dreams. Nothing ever goes like the movies and if it does, then I find myself questioning it and wondering when I'll wake up. Life isn't perfect. You don't accept that everything works out as soon as that final kiss happens. You don't accept not knowing what happens after the credits role. I find myself nowadays hating romantic comedies because they get this so-called awesome guy who just happens to be perfect for them, while you're questioning yourself about why you can't find that guy for you. Romantic comedies need to go jump off a cliff. I sound like a cynic and someone who doesn't believe in love, but I do. I'm even happy right now, but I still hate romantic comedies. Only a few of them are worth watching. Most of them have the same plot line, just different characters and maybe a different scenario, they all still end the same with me wanting to throw the DVD out the window. You can easily predict the ending. Yet with me thinking this, I still wish my life was like it. If only. 

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