Monday, September 6, 2010

Something is Wrong, But I Don't Know What

So I haven't been feeling well lately. I have no idea why. It's basically been all summer that I've felt awful. I started being constantly thirsty, but I also have stopped eating very much. I don't know if that's a symptom or has to do with something else entirely. The other day I had the worse stomach ache, and couldn't really get out of bed. The clinic on campus is closed on weekends, and I really had no way to get to anywhere else, seeing as I don't have a car, and my roommate, who has a car, was gone to the football game. I was fine staying in my room. I took some medicine, watched some movies, and basically slept off whatever was wrong with me that day. I did call my mother, and she wants me to go to Redfern, our health center here at Clemson, whenever they are open again. I don't really have the time to be sick or to go get checked out. My schedule is fully packed each day. Maybe that's what's wrong with me, the stress of being in a new place and not doing the same thing everyday like I use to. Who knows? I just know that over my whole summer I didn't feel well, and now it just seems to be getting worse. I want to be my somewhat normal self again! I don't know what could be wrong with me. I have a lot of different things going on that don't really seem to add up. Maybe I should just stop complaining. I don't think complaining about this will help me at all. At least I felt a lot better today, but who's to say I won't feel just as crappy as I did Saturday. Argh!!!! This is just frustrating. Well hopefully I will start feeling better, or at least someone can tell me what's wrong when I go to Redfern when it's open again.



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