Thursday, February 17, 2011

So besides the fact that I'm totally confused by a boy, college is actually going well. I'm doing good in every class, except for Biology, but who likes Biology. I'm going to do my best in that class that I can. I did do better than expected on my Psychology exam. I made an A, which amazed me, but I'll take it. I'm also making an A in my second Food Science class. So this semester has been going a lot better than last. The only problem, besides being utterly confused, is that my roommate is not very considerate. She allows our neighbor to stay in our room and watch movies, while I'm trying to go to sleep. I have to work in the mornings, and the TV is distracting. It's not like I go to bed really early, and they also wait forever to watch these movies. 2 AM to be exact. My roommate knows I try to go to bed at least by 1. I told them about this last semester when they did the same thing. It made our neighbor actually not come into the room for a while. I'll have to talk to her soon about this if things don't change. I've been avoiding my room most days. I usually hang out with my friend that stays on the floor above me. She doesn't have a roommate, lucky her. Sometimes I end up falling asleep in there, or staying till I think my neighbor has left. Sometimes she's still in there. With the location of the TV, it's kind of awkward to try to sleep, since they are kind of looking at me at the same time. I also don't like trying to sleep with people still awake talking. So as you might have figured, I haven't been sleeping that well. I had to resort to naps, which I don't usually take. Besides this little problem and the other, everything else has been fine. I'm enjoying actually being here, and I'm glad I didn't take the semester off like I was thinking about during the middle of last semester. I would have missed out on too much that I've done so far this semester, and that would have been just sad. I'm also looking forward to next year. I'm going to be glad to have someone else to room with. So that's my rant about what's been going on lately. I hope I didn't sound like I was complaining too much in this post and the last one.


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