Friday, March 11, 2011


That's what I felt like doing earlier today, and still feel like doing just a little bit right now. I wish I could. I wish I could just scream forever. Maybe I'd feel better about everything if I could just finally scream, cry, or anything. But I won't. I just won't for some reason.

Anyways, that's not really what this post is about. What I was wanting to scream about earlier today was how much difficulty I had to go through just to get a new cell phone. Too much if you ask me. Much more than I've ever had to go through when getting one before. First off, I couldn't get it to work online, so I decided to call them and order it over the phone. That would of been easier if my brother knew how to answer the phone. He had to verify the account, and made it look really bad that he wasn't answering the phone. After calling my sis and getting her to tell him(not being very nice about it either), he still doesn't answer, and so I have to hang up all frustrated. So after again calling my sis, I try again and he finally answers the phone. I finally get my new phone ordered, but it's being sent to my home address. The problem with this is I'M NOT THERE! I'm at school, and was hoping I could change the shipping address to my school address, but no, it has to be sent to the address on the account. Screaming was much needed then, but I again resisted. So now I have to wait a week until I go home to get my new phone. One good thing, I'm getting a new phone, because my current phone and I have come to an understanding that we don't like each other very much. It was a tough discussion to have, since you know it's an inanimate object, but it did get the point. We are just not meant to be, so we will finally go our separate ways soon. It will most likely find a better home through ebay, if I can find someone to take a homeless, abused cell phone. I didn't really abuse it. Can you blame me if it just happens to fall from my pocket multiple times? It's not like I threw it, even though I wanted to plenty of times. It's a Sidekick, and huge, and can't really fit in my pocket all the time thus the reason why it falls out of my pocket a lot, especially if it's in my front pocket. Anyways it shall soon find someone who may not drop it as much, but he or she(I never decided what it was) could be treated even worse.

Anyways, besides wanting to scream about getting a new phone(just to let you know that was a very condensed version of what happened, all of it would take very long to type and I don't have that kind of time), and abusing my soon to be old one, I also just want to scream about my roommate. So if you read my post from earlier this week, you know that it was my birthday. I turned a weird age in my opinion. Overall it was a very good birthday, the only problem I had was that my roommate didn't even acknowledge it one bit. She even heard one of our neighbors tell me happy birthday. But her and our neighbor she hangs out with a lot and also someone I don't particularly like since she thinks she can come in my room and basically take over. They both ignored the fact that I even had a birthday, and seemed to ignore me that day as well. I wasn't really upset about that since my roommate and I don't really hang out, but I didn't think we were on such bad terms that she wouldn't acknowledge this at all. That's really all I have to say about it. I wish I had gotten a different roommate a lot of the times, and tend to be very happy when she's not in the room or when I find something to do that makes me not have to be in the room for a very long time. Anyways that was my rant for today. I think technically I started this thing yesterday, but since it's now 12:10 AM, it has run on into the next day. I must of been really frustrated. I still kind of want to scream! 

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